日本財団 図書館




「World situation in post-sovereign state era」

Speech by Mr. Yasushi Akashi


We are now knocking at the deer of the 21st century which will be ushered in just less than four years. What' kind of century will it be? Will it be as tumultuous, as eventful and as full of disasters and tragedies as it has been during the 20th century? All of us are looking to the forthcoming era, with great hopes and anticipation, but also with considerable trepidation and apprehension.
There are great hopes for the 21st century because the future could be full of challenges and opportunity for better life for all humanity. But these bright future davelopments are not more than a mere possibility today. They may even be a probability, but, in my view, far from being a certainty. They will become a reality depending on the wisdom of all of us. It is an open question whether humanity will opt for a course leading to greater harmony and prosperity or, alternatively, for a course leading to greater conflict, turmoil and even calamities.
First of all, a major economic growth can be expected in the next century in many parts of the world, resulting in a significant improvement in the standard of living. Great strides are already being made in science and technology, which can continue to make our lives more convenient and agreeable. The arrival of supersonic passenger planes larger than the present concorde will facilitate air travel, while land travel by automobiles will become less polluting due to the use of fuel efficient engines and solar energy. Even when you live in the remotest-corners of the earth like a village in the Himalayas or in the forest of the Amazons, you will be within the reach of instant news reports from BBC in London and BOA in Washington D.C. The global access to communications through computers, should multiply the possibility of all people to get to know about each other and the world they live in. Knowledge is a certainly kind of power.
Easier access to information could mean easier access to political power. This can bring us closer to global democracy than ever before.





